Business Services
Are you anticipating a great need to refocus your Corporate Wellness?
We all know that a healthy lifestyle, tools to handle stress and anger management are important to create a happy and fulfilling life. Tuning into our heart intelligence and learning to listen and attune to its message are the gifts we work with you to help develop.
Start with our Business Alignment to get things going and come on a journey with us to help improve your Business or Corporation to bring positive change.
Business Alignment
Organisational alignment offers practical and prompt solutions for your business needs. Whether you're launching a new venture, enhancing performance metrics, boosting profits, expanding your client base consciously, fostering a compassionate workplace, or seeking intuitive guidance for a new project, we provide valuable insights and tangible outcomes.
Offered by: Parthasarathy
If we accept that we are fundamentally vibrational beings, and that our various fields of consciousness interact together to make up our bodies and our lives – it makes sense that your business is made up of the spiritual presence of all the people, places, and connections that it comprises of. It has a "group soul", a life of its own – much like a family. And similar to how we heal and move forward by aligning to our authenticity and true nature, by healing physical and emotional traumas and learning how we function – the same can be done for your business!
Organizational Alignment is a healing system made for companies, businesses, projects and group entities. It is designed to enhance the flow and harmony within organizations, serving as a catalyst for identifying and resolving imbalances that hinder communication and energy flow. It treats the organization as an interconnected whole, considering all dimensions and areas, including goals, processes, functions, human aspects, and the environment.
We like to refer to it as "therapy for the soul of the business" – It is essentially the use of Life Alignment techniques in businesses and organisations!
Organizational alignment provides insightful, immediate, and tangible solutions for your business, whether you are:
✅ Starting a new business and ensuring that you can maintain its trajectory.
✅ Seeking to improve your company's performance metrics.
✅ Trying to increase profits and individual income.
✅ Trying to consciously and mindfully expand your clientele.
✅ Become a more compassionate employer, running a heart and humanity-centered business.
✅ Starting a new project, and looking for intuitive guidance from the greater field of intelligence.
✅ Aware that you have subconscious, intangible blocks holding your company back.
How does OA help my business?
It focuses on addressing the core issues within your organization by:
Identifying and resolving root causes and perceptions that are not typically visible or easily accessible – i.e. which may be subconscious (psychological), energetic (spiritual), spatial (the organisation's physical locations), or relational (emotions and dynamics between key members).
Employing a dynamic, stage-based approach that "peels away" the right layers layers to find the optimal route to address these underlying problems. What comes up may not make sense at first, but you will see why it was the starting point for the core issue.
Providing a roadmap for your business to make long-lasting and significant shifts in achieving your goals.
Helping you tune into your intuition to find holistic and spiritually centered mission statements, vision statements, and concrete goals – all aligned to the highest spiritual good of your organization and its members.
What kind of issues might need healing in my organisation?
Prior experiences, personal perspectives and the resulting mental models in team members can deeply influence or even block the business's energy.
Their social emotional intelligence can impact the ability of members to work with other team members or departments, ultimately affecting overall performance.
Your business's culture, i.e. its core values, operating dynamics, and the energy with which individuals are treated.
Your business's ability to respond effectively to changes in the political landscape can impact its success and growth.
Changes in the wider economy.
The geopathic energetics of your business location, carbon footprint, energy management, ecological due diligance.
Addressing these issues allows you to show up for the business in a way that honours everyone's authenticity, is compassionate, and is able to hold everyone's best version of themselves!
Set up a discovery session with our team to learn how you can benefit from this process!
Business Package
Boost Workplace Wellness
Offered by: I AM Wellness Team
This will incorporate best practice and learnings from our modalidies and coupled with practical takeaways for you to roll out across your business to help employee happiness, the environment, your bottom line and the power of your business.